Jane’s grandmother left her a gorgeous diamond ring – a family heirloom passed down through generations. Though cherished for its sentimental value, Jane never truly grasped its financial worth until she stumbled upon Boomerang.

Setting the Scene

Jane had been insuring the ring for years based on an outdated valuation. It was just one of those things; a certificate she had received years ago and locked in a drawer. The valuation was done the traditional way, through a brick-and-mortar jeweller, and Jane trusted it was accurate.

Enter Boomerang

Jane’s friend introduced her to Boomerang, praising its tech-driven, gemmological-grade valuation accuracy. On a whim, Jane decided to get her grandmother’s ring revalued. What she discovered shocked her.

The Real Value

Using Boomerang’s innovative process, Jane uploaded clear photographs of her grandmother’s ring against the calibrated backdrop provided by the service. The AI-driven system quickly assessed the ring, adjusting for any lens distortions and ensuring colour accuracy.

To Jane’s astonishment, Boomerang valued the ring at nearly twice the price of her original certificate. The increase wasn’t just due to general appreciation; the initial valuation had underestimated the ring’s actual worth.

The Impact

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Jane adjusted her insurance to reflect the ring’s true value. She realised the massive risk she’d unknowingly taken. Had something happened to the ring under the previous insurance policy, she would’ve been gravely under-compensated.


Jane’s experience serves as a cautionary tale for us all. Here’s what we can learn:

  1. Traditional valuations can sometimes miss the mark. Jewellery, especially those with intricate designs or rare gemstones, can be misvalued if not appraised with a meticulous, updated approach.
  2. Technological advancements, like Boomerang, revolutionise the valuation process, offering a level of precision previously unattainable.
  3. Regular revaluations are crucial. The market fluctuates, and the value of items can change significantly over time.

Jane’s story is a testament to Boomerang’s commitment to accuracy and its importance in safeguarding one’s treasured possessions. Make sure your legacy, like Jane’s, is appropriately valued and protected.

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